Bryan Hullihen Talks About Extremes
Recently I ( Bryan Hullihen ) was working with an alcoholic in early recovery regarding the concept of clearing up the wreckage of his past when I noticed a pattern that I've seen over the years begin to emerge. This particular person began to ask my opinion on several instances that, in my opinion, required no amends at all. Details are not important here and if you are in early recovery asking your support group about the validity to your amends is strongly encouraged. What is important is the nature of extremes when dealing with alcoholism or drug addiction. For example, I remember a time when I was told by my mentor that alcoholism is a disease centered in selfishness and self-centeredness. In all of my perplexity I thought, "If I'm to give away all my belongings to become and ascetic while living a life of abnegation I'll never stay sober!" My mentor smiled and looked at me and said, " Bryan Hullihen , that is spoken like a true alcoholic and that stat...