
Showing posts from January, 2019

Bryan Hullihen talks about early recovery and his early days following prison

My name is Bryan Hullihen and I am an alcoholic. I have suffered many consequences as a result of my drinking and getting sent to prison was just one of many consequences. During my time in prison I stayed busy and worked a program of action relative to my alcoholism, however, I knew that life in prison was the minor leagues. By the time I walked out of that place I had over six years of sobriety but when I was given my freedom I felt like a newcomer. I had experienced the psychic change necessary to live a life of sober independence and help others do the same but restarting my life and having my freedom restored presented me with some challenges that I hadn't had in over half a decade. Seeing women all over the place was just one of many distractions that I knew could have me placing my recovery in the passenger seat very quickly. There was also the distractions of all the shiny things and an innate desire to keep up with the Jones's. After several years of not having many s