The Important Things

My name is Bryan Hullihen and I have had the experience of early recovery more times than I’d care to admit. I often reflect on my experiences during those difficult times to aid me in assisting others who are new to the recovery process or when I need a shot of gratitude for where I am today. There exists a myriad of growing points in my journey that have contributed to my development, however, the most salient of these catalysts is the concept of “the important things”. I had a tendency to get tight at all the wrong times during early recovery. The thoughts that would enter my mind would invoke a great deal of anxiety for me due to fear that I may act on them. There were times when I was in a formal setting and someone would say something I didn't agree with and I would think to myself, “What an idiot, I'm going to tell them to either get their facts straight or shut up”! Now I knew that was not appropriate and it wouldn't earn me any friends so I would say nothing but it was the fear that I would blurt it out that made me uncomfortable. I spoke to a dear friend of mine about my fear who happened to be a Doctor of Psychology and what he said changed my life. He said, “Bryan Hullihen! An alcoholic of the extreme case, which I believe you are, has lost the right to put any trust on what you think or how you feel while in early recovery. What matters is what you do so get into action and be of service especially when you think you don't want to or when you don't feel like it”. I took his advice and over time my acceptance of myself and others improved and my thoughts and feelings became more aligned with right action. Thank you for your support and your comments and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bryan Hullihen


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